Beatles, The: The Magical Mystery Tour (brugt) |
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| Sprog: Engelsk
Undertekst: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
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Bemærk, dette er en brugt film!!! | | Vores brugte film er altid i rigtig god stand. Når du køber en brugt film hos os, gælder de samme regler, som var det et nyt produkt du købte. kan du derfor af en eller anden grund ikke afspille den brugte film, har du fuld ombytning-/returret. |
| Beskrivelse:
Made-for-TV musical comedy directed by and starring The Beatles. The film, designed as an accompaniment to the band's 1967 double-EP of the same name, featured a number of classic Beatles tracks including 'Magical Mystery Tour', 'I Am the Walrus' and 'The Fool On the Hill'. The film follows a bus tour group with Mr Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) and his recently widowed Aunt Jessie (Jessie Robins) at the heart of events. When a group of magicians, played by The Beatles themselves, begin acting up, some very strange things begin happening in and around the bus... | Ekstra features:
Digitally Remastered Chapter Search Menu Music Full Lenght Feature
| Instruktør: Bernard Knowles George Harrison John Lennon Paul McCartney Ringo Starr
Medvirkende: Alf Manders Angelo Muscat Arthur Kelly Barbara King Derek Royle Elizabeth Kelly Frieda Kelly George Claydon George Harrison Ivor Cutler Jan Carson Jeni Crowley Jessie Robins John Lennon 'Legs' Larry Smith Leslie Cavendish Linda Lawson Liz Harvey Luke Kelly Maggie Wright Magic Alex Mal Evans Michael Gladden Mike McGear Miranda Forbes Nat Jackley Neil Aspinall Neil Innes Nicola Hale Pamela Hale Paul McCartney Peggy Spencers Dance Group Rayston Smith Ringo Starr Rodney Slater Roger Ruskin Spear Sam Spoons Shirley Evans Spencer Davis Sylvia Nightingale The Beatles Vernon Dudley Bowhay Nowell Victor Spinetti Vivian Stanshall Women's Air Force
Producent: Denis O'Dell Gavrik Losey George Harrison John Lennon Paul McCartney Ringo Starr
Forfatter: George Harrison John Lennon Mal Evans Paul McCartney Ringo Starr