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Bemærk, dette er en brugt film!!! | | Vores brugte film er altid i rigtig god stand. Når du køber en brugt film hos os, gælder de samme regler, som var det et nyt produkt du købte. kan du derfor af en eller anden grund ikke afspille den brugte film, har du fuld ombytning-/returret. |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Spøgelser findes da ikke... Troede du det?. Pludselig er byen fuldt med dem. Små ækle, store søde, grønne væmmelige, tykke og smalle - den rene spøgelselsinvasion. Eneste redning, ingen ringere end verdens sjoveste spøgelselsjægere.... Ghostbusters. Filmen er en af de største publikumsuccer nogensinde. Ringlende køer, publikum som hujer af glæde og stormende bifald over hele verden. En herlig blanding af spændende spøgelselsfarcer og ophidsende actionkomedie. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Ghostbusters began as 'Ghost Smashers', Dan Aykroyd's original idea in which he and John Belushi traveled through space and time in pursuit of ghosts. When Belushi died in March 1982, trade papers reported Richard Pryor was under consideration as his replacement, but by the year's end, Bill Murray had agreed to take over the role. Aykroyd then brought the project to Ivan Reitman, a successful comedy producer (Animal House) and director (Stripes).
Reitman agreed to helm the film, but wanted to change the script's locale to modern-day New York City. Coming up with the basic premise of scientists who turn to ghostbusting after losing their college grants, Reitman recruited 'Animal House' writer Harold Ramis to rework the script. In May 1983, armed with a concept and the star team of Murray and Aykroyd, Reitman pitched to Columbia Pictures. Even without a finished script, the studio saw the projects potential and greenlighted the film with the understanding it would be ready for release in one year, the summer of 1984....
Ghostbusters debuted on June 8, 1984, to spectacularly high audience awareness, grossing $23 million in its opening weekend, a studio record. Grossing over $220 million in North America alone, Ghostbusters remains one of the most funniest and most successful comedies in motion picture history. |
Awards nomineringer. | |
| Instruktør: Ivan Reitman
Skuespillere: Alice Drummond Annie Potts Bill Murray Carol Henry Christopher Wynkoop Dan Aykroyd Danny Stone David Margulies Ernie Hudson Frances E. Nealy Frantz Turner Harold Ramis James Hardie Jean Kasem Jennifer Runyon Joe Cirillo Joe Franklin John Rothman Jordan Charney Kymberly Herrin Larry Dilg Larry King Michael Ensign Murray Rubin Nancy Kelly Norman Matlock Paddi Edwards Patty Dworkin Ric Mancini Rick Moranis Roger Grimsby Ruth Oliver Sam Moses Sigourney Weaver Slavitza Jovan Steven Tash Timothy Carhart Tom McDermott William Atherton
Producent: Bernie Brillstein Ivan Reitman Joe Medjuck Michael C. Gross
Forfatter: Dan Aykroyd Harold Ramis Rick Moranis