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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Chuck Noland, en systemtekniker, hvis liv, der hidtil har været strengt styret af tiden, pludselig afbrydes, da han, efter et oprivende flystyrt, befinder sig alene på en øde ø. Mens Chuck kæmper for at overleve, opdager han, at hans egen personlige rejse kun lige er begyndt. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Systems engineer Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) says goodbye to his girlfriend Kelly (Helen Hunt) and heads off on a flight to South America. En route the plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean, leaving Chuck as its only survivor. Luckily, there is an uninhabited island nearby and Chuck manages to swim to safety. After a failed attempt to escape on an inflatable raft, Chuck accepts that he is unlikely to get back to civilisation and begins to make the most of what he has around him. Four years later he is still on the island, having adapted extremely well to his new environment, but decides the time is right to make another attempt at the long journey home and sets off for a remarkable adventure on a makeshift wooden raft. Also available as a VHS double bill with 'The Green Mile'. | Ekstra features:
Director's Commentary
Awards nomineringer. | |
| Instruktør: Robert Zemeckis
Skuespillere: Al Pugliese Alyssa Gainer Anne Bellamy Ashley Trefger Brandon Reinhardt Chris Noth David Allen Brooks Dennis Letts Dmitri S. Boudrine François Duhamel Geoffrey Blake Gregory Pugliese Helen Hunt Jennifer Choe John Duerler Kaitlyn Gainer Lari White Lauren Gainer Leonid Citer Lindsey Trefger Lisa Long Matthew Reinhardt Michael Forest Nan Martin Nick Searcy Paul Sanchez Peter von Berg Semion Sudarikov Semion Suradikov Skye McKenzie Steve Monroe Tom Hanks Valentina Ananina Valentina Ananyina Valerie Wildman Velena Papovic Viveka Davis Wendy Worthington Yelena Popovic
Producent: Cherylanne Martin Jack Rapke Joan Bradshaw Robert Zemeckis Steve Starkey Steven J. Boyd Tom Hanks
Forfatter: William Broyles Jr.