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| Sprog: Dansk (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Undertekst: Ingen
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Lucy Knight har skabt et nyt og effektivt træningsprogram med en kombination af yogaens fokus på koncentration og holdning og den fleksible gymball, der hjælper dig med at øge din smidighed og balance. Her lærer du øvelser, der:
- Former kroppen - Forbedrer styrken - Øger smidigheden - Forbedrer balancen - Styrker ryg og mave - Gør træningen sjovere Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Lucy Knight (Fitness Professional) has created an innovative programme combining the focus and postures of Yoga with the core stability and balancing qualities of Gymball.
These two popular forms of exercise have been imaginatively fused together into a fabulous and rewarding workout concept. Lucy's programme has split level options therefore making it accessible for beginners through to intermediate.
Yoga is an ancient practice and has been benefiting people for thousands of years. It is an exercise for the mind, body and spirit. Combining this with the benefits of Gymball, will reawaken deep postural muscles, challenge core stability and dramatically improve your all over body tone. If you already practise Yoga, introducing Gymball will certainly add a new dimension to your workout. Yoga Gymball is an exciting, fun and incredibly effective fusion! |
| Instruktør: Ken Gray
Skuespillere: Lucy Knight