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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.85:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
Antal disk: |  | SS-DL: (DVD-9)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Prinsesse Diana er netop død. Hele verden viser åbenlyst sin sorg. Undtagen én person ...
Da nyheden om Prinsesse Dianas død, verdens mest populære kvinde, rammer et chokeret og tvivlende britisk folk, trækker Dronning Elisabeth II sig tilbage bag væggene på Balmoral Castle med sin familie - ude af stand til at forstå folkets reaktion på tragedien.
For Tony Blair, den populære og nyvalgte premierminister, er folkets behov for trøst og støtte fra landets ledere meget håndgribelig. Og da følelsesudbruddene bliver stærkere end nogensinde, må Blair finde en måde at reetablere forbindelsen mellem Dronningen og det britiske folk. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Stephen Frears' critically acclaimed portrait of the English Monarch in time of strife. One of the most turbulent times in British politics in recent memory seen from an insider's perspective - an almost documentary look at the relationship between the figurehead and the brains behind the UK. It's 1997 and Tony Blair's Labour Government has just won an election, ending 18 years of Conservative rule. Blair the firebrand (Michael Sheen) must introduce himself to the Queen (Helen Mirren) and ask permission to govern the country. The stone-faced Regina, in accepting, gives him not a millimeter of slack, silently underscoring the fact she's in charge. Shortly thereafter, the former Princess of Wales, wife of Elizabeth's son and heir, is killed in Paris. The Queen's initial reaction is to hold ranks and treat Diana as an outsider, being that she has left the royal household. Blair senses the coming landslide of public opinion against this course of action and tries, as hard as a new boy can, to make her majesty see sense. The question of who's truly in charge comes to the fore. | Ekstra features:
Behind The Scenes Feature Commentary Trailer
Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Stephen Frears
Skuespillere: Alex Jennings Amanda Hadingue Dash Barber Dolina MacLennan Douglas Reith Earl Cameron Gray O'Brien Harry Alexander Coath Helen McCrory Helen Mirren Jake Taylor Shantos James Cromwell John McGlynn Joyce Henderson Julian Firth Kananu Kirimi Lola Peploe Mark Bazeley Michael Sheen Pat Laffan Robin Soans Roger Allam Susan Hitch Sylvia Syms Tim McMullen
Producent: Andy Harries Cameron McCracken Christine Langan François Ivernel Scott Rudin Tracey Seaward
Forfatter: Peter Morgan