20,000 Days On Earth | Nick Cave - 20.000 Dage På Jorden |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 2.35:1 (16:9)
Antal disk: |  |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Grænserne mellem dokumentarisme og fiktion flyder sammen i dette portræt af Caves kunstneriske proces - fra skrivemaskine til scenekant. Han inviterer publikum med til psykiater, på besøg hos vennen og kollegaen Warren Ellis og på landevejen i Caves Jaguar, hvor blandt andre Kylie Minouge og Ray Winstone fra passagersædet supplerer Nicks varme og indsigtsfulde beretninger fra eget liv. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Documentary about Australian musician, songwriter and author Nick Cave. Film-makers Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard are given full access to Cave's studio as he is recording work for his 2013 album 'Push the Sky Away'. The film also provides an in-depth look at the artist's creative process and the forces which drive his work through a fictionalised 24-hour period which sees him come into contact with a number people he has collaborated with over the years including Kylie Minogue, Ray Winstone and Blixa Bargeld. |
| Instruktør: Iain Forsyth Jane Pollard
Medvirkende: Arthur Cave Barry Adamson Conway Savage Darian Leader Earl Cave Einsturzende Neubauten George Vjestica Jim Sclavunos Kirk Lake Kylie Minogue Lizzie Philips Martyn Casey Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Ray Winstone Susie Bick Thomas Wydler Warren Ellis
Producent: Alex Dunnett Andrew Hardwick Andrew Noble Anna Higgs Dan Bowen Hani Farsi James Wilson Jason Bick Kurban Kassam Lucas Ochoa Marisa Clifford Paul Goldin Paul Grindey Tabitha Jackson Thomas Benski
Forfatter: Iain Forsyth Jane Pollard Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds